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What We Do: SNNAP Constitution

Updated: Jan 19, 2020



1) Name a) The name of the special interest group affiliated to ​NSUKI​ shall be the ​SPECIALIST


2) Mission Statement

a) To improve the quality of life for individuals and their families living with long-term conditions including pain, spasticity, incontinence, gastrointestinal disorders and epilepsy undergoing neuromodulation.

3) Aims a) The aims of SNNAP shall be to:

i)  exist as an impartial special interest group that represents neuromodulation practitioners.

ii)  define and promote the role and value of each multidisciplinary team member in the speciality.

iii)  develop best clinical practice guidelines with the objective of disseminating safe, high quality, evidence-based standards of care.

iv)  promote and protect the welfare of our Members and their patients.

v)  provide a forum for open communication and support.

vi)  provide Members with the opportunity to develop specialist skills and knowledge in the speciality.

vii)  to generate and collaborate in audit and research projects.

a)  In order to achieve its aims the SNNAP Committee may:

i)  access funds through its affiliation with NSUKI in return for ensuring its

Committee Members maintain their annual subscription to NSUKI

(hereinafter referred to as ‘SNNAP-NSUKI’ Members).

ii)  organise courses, meetings and events.

iii)  arrange clinical mentorship.

iv)  associate and collaborate with other groups (e.g. DBSNA, NSUKI, SPIN, BPS,


b)  SNNAP will have stated aims that are initiated by the Committee and agreed by the


5)  Membership

a)  SNNAP comprises of novice to expert multidisciplinary practitioners working in the field of neuromodulation.

b)  Membership of SNNAP shall be free of subscription and open to all practitioners who work, or who have worked, in the speciality (excluding industry.)

c)  Membership shall be available to anyone without regard to gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief.

d)  It is expected that the membership help SNNAP achieve its aims and are willing to abide by the rules of the group.

e)  SNNAP Members shall have one vote.

f)  A membership may be terminated for good reason by the Committee but the

Member has a right to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is made.

6)  Committee

a)  SNAPP shall be administered by a Committee of elected Officers.

b)  Members of the Committee will have agreed roles and responsibilities and will

comprise of nurses and allied health professionals who have first hand experience in

delivering neuromodulation or who work with patients undergoing

neuromodulation. c) The officers of the Committee shall be the:

i)  Chairperson

ii)  Deputy-Chairperson

iii)  Secretary

iv)  Deputy-Secretary

v)  Media Lead

vi)  Treasurer

vii)  Deputy-Treasurer

viii)  Education Lead

ix)  Clinical Lead

x)  Professional Development & Clinical Governance Lead

xi)  Research and Audit Lead

d)  The officers of the Subcommittee shall be:

i)  Nursing Lead

ii)  Physiotherapy Lead

iii)  Psychology Lead

iv)  Occupational Therapy Lead

e)  The Committee and Subcommittee shall meet for 2 hours at least 4 times a year and will provide facilities for general members to join them after the Committee meeting.

f)  The ​Chairperson/Deputy-Chairperson​ shall chair all meetings of SNNAP.

g)  The quorum for Committee meetings shall be the ​Chairperson​, ​Secretary​, ​Education

Lead​, ​Clinical Lead ​(or their deputies).

h)  Voting at Committee Meetings shall be by a show of hands. If there is a tied vote

then the ​Chairperson ​shall have a second vote.

i)  The Committee may by a two-thirds majority vote, and for good and proper

reasons, remove any Committee Member provided that person has the right to be

heard before a final decision is made.

j)  The Committee may not appoint a Member of SNNAP as a Committee Member

without that vacancy and its duties being advertised for 14 days on the NHS Network and without the nominee receiving the majority vote.

7) Duties of the Officers

a)  The duties of the ​Chairperson ​are to:

i)  chair SNNAP Committee Meetings, AGMs and SGMs.

ii)  act as point of contact and spokesperson for SNNAP.

iii)  accept invites and represents SNNAP at functions/meetings.

iv)  ensure compliance with the SNNAP constitution.

v)  manage ongoing projects through timely liaison with Leads.

vi)  maintain a live Action Log on the SNNAP Network.

vii)  manage the SNNAP Network as chief administrator and invite interested practitioners to join.

b)  The duties of the ​Deputy-Chairperson​ are to:

i)  deputise for the chair in their absence at meetings.

ii)  organise SNNAP meeting venues and necessary facilities.

c)  The duties of the ​Secretary​ are to:

i)  liaise with the ​Chairperson​ and circulate meeting agendas and venue details on the NHS Networks and bring hard copies of minutes and agenda to meetings.

ii)  scribe and publish minutes of meetings on the SNNAP Network within 14 days of the meeting.

iii)  manage any formal correspondence between SNNAP and colleagues.

iv)  assist applicants in gaining SNNAP-NSUKI membership.

v)  maintain and manage the SNNAP Network membership and SNNAP-NSUKI membership register.

d)  The duties of the ​Deputy-Secretary​ are to:

i)  deputise for the ​Secretary​ in their absence.

ii)  maintain and monitor Committee members’ terms and administer the

election/re-election process as appropriate.

iii)  administer the voting process for any changes to the constitution 14 days

before and up to the AGM.

iv)  create and maintain a register of

(1)  neuromodulation centres

(2)  points of contacts

(3)  the centre’s team composition

(4)  team member’s type and degree of involvement

(5)  devices used and applications

e)  The duties of the ​Treasurer​ are to:

i)  develop a policy and manage the remuneration SNNAP members.

ii)  keep proper accounts that show all monies collected and paid out by NSUKI/SNNAP.

f)  The duties of the ​Deputy-Treasurer​ are to:

i)  deputise for the ​Treasurer ​in their absence

ii)  act as co-signatory

g)  The duties of the ​Education Lead​ are to:

i)  manage the ​Education Subcommittee

ii)  coordinate and facilitate the neuromodulation MSc module with the

support of the ​Education Subcommittee, Clinical Lead, Professional

Development & Clinical Governance Lead ​and ​Media Lead​.

iii)  liaise with the ​Clinical Lead​ and ​Professional Development & Clinical

Governance Lead ​on best practice guidelines for the MSc course.

iv)  reach out to SNNAP members requesting their mentorship and educational


v)  reach out to interested candidates and initiate new platforms for education

and development e.g. on-line and formal study opportunities.

vi)  be the SNNAP consultant for the production of the BPS Patient Information


vii)  coordinate the SNNAP ASM.

viii)  liaise with industry to keep Members abreast with developments in hardware, interfaces and applications.

ix)  approve and post relevant courses on the NHS Network.

h)  The duties of the ​Clinical Lead​ are to:

i)  manage the ​Clinical Subcommittee Leads ​and project manage the development of best practice guidelines.

ii)  collaborate with the ​Educational Lead​ in developing the MSc module syllabus.

iii)  liaise with BPS and be the point of contact for the development of the BPS guidelines.

iv)  respond to relevant medical technology consultation documents on behalf of SNNAP.

i)  The duties of the ​Professional Development & Clinical Governance Lead ​are to:

i)  Support the ​Clinical Lead ​in the development of MDT competencies in each


ii)  support Members in clinical settings by disseminating best clinical practice

and interpreting guidelines.

iii)  identify Members’ training needs and promote opportunities.

iv)  Post clinically relevant industry bulletins and manage NHS network posts

that require an industry response.

v)  promote and provide competency frameworks (personal competencies,

equipment competencies, supervision mechanisms, professional practice


j)  The duties of the ​Media Lead​ are to:

i) liaise with the ​Chairperson​ and ​Education Lead ​regarding communications

on the SNNAP internet platforms and sites.

ii)  create and manage SNNAP social media accounts and websites and advise on their use.

iii)  advise the ​Chairperson ​of any posts on the social media sites that require his/her attention in a timely fashion.

k) The duties of the ​Research and Audit Lead ​are to:

i)  support the ​Clinical Subcommittees​ in providing evidence to support best

practice guideline content.

ii)  promote and facilitate Members, and their centre’s engagement with the

National Neuromodulation Registry (NNR).

iii)  liaise with Members to identify research and audit projects and

opportunities and ​coordinate multi-centre audits.

iv)  promote evidence based practice within SNNAP by posting critically

appraised articles and published guidelines (or providing references to these).

8) Terms of Committee membership

a)  The minimum term of Committee membership is 1 year. In the event that the Officer is no longer able to actively undertake their duties then it is expected that they deputise whilst being the point of contact until their term is up.

b)  The maximum term of Committee membership is 3 years but the officer is entitled to stand again for re-election.

9) Finance

a)  any money obtained by SNNAP shall be used only for SNNAP.

b)  any bank accounts opened for SNNAP shall be in the name of SNNAP.

c)  any cheques issued shall be signed by the ​Treasurer ​and co-signed by the

Deputy-Treasurer ​(or other Committee Member).

10) Committee Meetings

a) Annual General Meeting

i)  SNNAP shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) around the NSUKI


ii)  All Members shall be given at least 14 days’ notice of the AGM and all

Members shall be entitled to attend and vote.

iii)  The quorum for an AGM shall be the ​Chairperson,​ ​Secretary​, ​Education

Lead​, ​Clinical Lead ​(or their deputies).

iv)  The business of the AGM shall include

(1)  presenting the ​Chairperson’s r​ eport on SNNAP’s achievements from the past year and ambitions for the next.

(2)  presenting the ​Treasurer's r​ eport on the finances of SNNAP.

(3)  considering any other matter submitted to the ​Chairperson ​in


(4)  any changes to the constitution.

11) Special General Meetings

a)  A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called by the Committee to discuss an urgent matter.

b)  The Secretary shall give all Members 14 days’ notice of any SGM together with notice of the business to be discussed. All Members shall be entitled to attend and vote.

12) Alterations to the Constitution

a) Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of those Members who voted.

13) Dissolution

a) SNNAP may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of the Members who voted. 14 days’ notice must be given of this intention. In the event of winding up, any assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be given to NSUKI.

This constitution was adopted at an AGM of SNNAP in November 2019

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